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當(dāng)前位置: 希尼爾首頁 > > 譯海拾貝 > 翻譯知識(shí)


青島希尼爾翻譯咨詢有限公司(engenderconfidence.com)整理發(fā)布  2015-9-30




勞 動(dòng) 合 同                      合同編號(hào):

Labor Contract                  No.

乙方(勞動(dòng)者)姓名: 性別: 民族: 文化程度:

Party B (laborer) Name: Gender:

Nationality: Education degree:

戶籍所在地: 省 縣 鄉(xiāng)(鎮(zhèn)) 村 組

Hukou: __________(provision) __________(county) ________township (town)___village _______group


ID No. of Party B:


Correspondence address of Party B:


To establish the labor relationship between the parties and clarify the rights and obligations of the parties, Party A and Party B hereby enter into the labor contract pursuant to the rules of the law, regulatory rules and rules and regulations of the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law through the equal and voluntariness consultations with the following terms and conditions for the parties to mutually abide by:

一、 合同期限

I. Contract term

1、本合同為固定期限勞動(dòng)合同,合同期限為 年(自200 年 月 日起至20

年 月 日止),其中試用期為 個(gè)月(自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止)。

The contract is the fixed-term labor contract, with the contract term of ________(years) from (MM DD 200___ to MM DD 20___), herein the probation of the _______months( from MM DD YY to MM DD YY).


2.During the contract term, if the party B participates the training, and the bonded term of work (service) stipulated under the training agreement are over the contract term, the contract term is extended to the maturity of the agreed work (service) term under the training agreement.


II. Job descriptions and working place

1、乙方同意按甲方工作需要,從事 崗位(工種)工作,乙方應(yīng)保質(zhì)保量完成該崗位所承擔(dān)的各項(xiàng)工作內(nèi)容。乙方的工作地點(diǎn)在海鹽縣境內(nèi),

1. Party B agrees to engage in_____________(post, work posts) according to needs of the Party A. Party B shall guarantee to finish the various working contents of the posts with quality and quantity. The location of Party B is within the territory of the Hanyan county.


Party A may promote or demote the posts of party B and adjust the working post or location of Party B according to production and working needs and the physical condition and working capacity and performance of party B and Party B is willing to accept the arrangement of Party A.

二、 工作時(shí)間和休假

III. Working hours and leaves

1、經(jīng)甲、乙雙方協(xié)商確認(rèn)按下列第 條款執(zhí)行工時(shí)制度。

After the mutual consultations of the parties, the working hour system shall be subject to the No.______ of the following:


Perform the standard work hour system.


According to the manufacturing and operation feature of the industry, perform the comprehensive working hour system after approval of the labor security department.


Party B is entitled to have the legal holidays stipulated by the country.


IV Labor remuneration

1、乙方提供正常勞動(dòng),甲方確保支付乙方基本工資不低于 元/月;

Party B provides the normal work and Party A ensures that the basic salary paid to Party B shall not be lower than RMB ________Yuan/month.


Regarding those who exercise the piece wage, their wage shall be based on the principle of “more pay for more work”. Overtime work of Party B shall be paid according to the rule.


If the point (review) or the annual pay salary system is performed, the salary shall be calculated according to the result of the performance appraisal.

4、乙方在試用期間的工資為 元/月。

The salary of Party B during probation is RMB ________Yuan/M.


Party A may adjust the salary level of Party B according to the operation condition, internal rules system, appraisal result, work tenure, punishment and rewards records and change of the post of Party B etc. but it shall not be lower than the salary standards stipulated by the country.


Party A shall pay the salary of Party B by month in currency.


V Labor discipline

1、 乙方對(duì)甲方依法制定的規(guī)章制度已經(jīng)熟知,并嚴(yán)格遵照?qǐng)?zhí)行。

Party B has been aware of the rules and regulations of Party B stipulated according to the law and abide by it strictly.

2、 乙方應(yīng)遵守職業(yè)道德,不得損害甲方利益。Party B shall abide by the professional ethics which shall not injure the interests of Party A.


VI Social insurance and welfare

1、 甲方按國家和地方政策規(guī)定為乙方辦理社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)有關(guān)手續(xù),并承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的義務(wù)。

Party A shall deal with the relevant formalities of social security for Party B according to the country and local policies and take up the relevant liabilities.

2、乙方的福利待遇按國家及甲方的規(guī)定執(zhí)行。The welfare of Party B shall be subject to the rules of the country and Party A.


VII Labor protection, labor condition and occupational harm prevention and cure


Party A shall equip Party B with the necessary safety protection measures and issue the necessary labor protection articles according to the needs of the post and the rules of the labor safety and hygiene.

2、 乙方在勞動(dòng)過程中應(yīng)當(dāng)嚴(yán)格遵守安全操作規(guī)程,嚴(yán)禁違章作業(yè),防止勞動(dòng)過程中的事故,減少職業(yè)危害,并應(yīng)自覺愛護(hù)甲方的工具等財(cái)產(chǎn)。

During the labor process, Party B shall abide by the safety operation procedure to prevent the accidents during the labor process, decrease the occupational harm and consciously protect the assets such as the tools of the Party A. It is strictly forbidden to make the operation by violating the rules.

3、甲方應(yīng)當(dāng)建立、健全職業(yè)病防治責(zé)任制度,加強(qiáng)對(duì)職業(yè)病防治的管理,提高職業(yè)病防治水平。Party A shall set up and optimize the occupational disease cure responsibility system, enforce the management over the occupational disease and promote the cure level of the occupational disease.


VIII. Education and training


Party A shall provide Party B with the occupational education and skill training according to the actual condition of the Company and relevant rules of the country on the occupational education and post permit. Party B shall enter into the training agreement with Party A additionally for the training taken.


IX. Revocation, modification and termination of the labor contract


If the parties revoke, modify, terminate and extent the labor contract, they shall perform them according to the relevant rules of the Labor Contract Law and the country, province and city etc.

3、 經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商一致,可變更合同相關(guān)內(nèi)容,變更勞動(dòng)合同,應(yīng)當(dāng)采用書面形式。

After the mutual consultations of the parties, the contract may be modified in writing.

4、 乙方符合《勞動(dòng)合同法》第三十九條情形之一者,甲方有權(quán)解除勞動(dòng)合同。

If Party B has one of the circumstances under article 39 of the Labor Contract, Party A is entitled to revoke the labor contract.

5、 乙方要求解除勞動(dòng)合同,應(yīng)當(dāng)提前三十日(試用期內(nèi)提前三日、專業(yè)人員提前六個(gè)月)以書面形式通知甲方,可以解除勞動(dòng)合同。

If party B requires to revoke the labor contract, they shall inform Party A in writing with thirty (30) day pre-notice (The person under probation needs a pre-notice of three(3) days and the professional people with the pre-notice of six months).


Upon the revocation or termination of the labor contract, Party A shall issue the certification for revocation or termination of the labor contract to Party B and deal with the relevant formalities for the laborer within fifteen (15)days. Party B shall make the work handover within ten (10) days after issuance by Party A of the certificate of revocation or termination of the labor contract. Regarding any economic compensation, they shall be paid upon the handover of the work according to the rules of the country.


X. Responsibilities for violating the labor contract

1、本合同一經(jīng)簽訂,甲乙雙方應(yīng)嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行。任何一方違反規(guī)定解除勞動(dòng)合同的,應(yīng)當(dāng)向?qū)Ψ劫r償因違約造成的經(jīng)濟(jì)損失。Once the contract is entered into, the parties shall strictly perform it. Regarding any party who violate the labor contract and raise the revocation, they shall compensate the other party for the economic losses arisen.

6、 乙方違約解除合同,在合同期間(含轉(zhuǎn)崗)由甲方出資進(jìn)行職業(yè)技術(shù)或提升培訓(xùn)的,按培訓(xùn)協(xié)議約定向甲方支付違約金;若無培訓(xùn)協(xié)議,按國家有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。

Regarding party B who violates the contract to revokes the contract, during the contract term (including the post transfer), if Party A invests in Party B’s occupational technology or development training, Party B shall pay the Party B with the penalty according to the agreement. If there is no training agreement, it shall be subject to the relevant rules of the country.

3、乙方因違章作業(yè)或失職行為給甲方造成損失的,甲方有權(quán)追究乙方賠償責(zé)任,并按違紀(jì)行為給予處理。If Party B causes losses to Party A due to the operation violating the rule or negligence behavior, Party A is entitled to recourse Party B with the compensation responsibilities and punish the violating behaviors.


XI . Labor disputes settlement and miscellaneous



Regarding the labor disputes arisen of the parties during the performance of the contract, they shall be solved through consultations or intervened by the trade union of the unit or applied for the medication from the labor dispute coordination committee in the town. Regarding those who fail to reach the agreement or are not willing to be intermediated, they may file the arbitration from the Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee from Hanyan country. Regarding those who don’t agree with the arbitration, they may file the law suite from the people’s court.

7、 乙方不得泄露甲方的商業(yè)和技術(shù)秘密,不得利用甲方的技術(shù)或財(cái)物與他人研制產(chǎn)品。

Party B shall not disclose the commercial and technology secrets of Party B and shall not take advantage of Party A’s technology or assets to develop the products with others.


Party B promises his correspondence address of the contract shall be the address that Party A sends the letters or mails to Party B. If any letters or mails are not returned or undeliverable after Party A sends them, it is deemed that they have arrived at Party B.

8、 本合同依法訂立即具有法律效力,雙方必須嚴(yán)格履行。本合同未盡事宜或與今后國家、省有關(guān)規(guī)定相悖的,按有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。

The contract has the law force immediately after being executed and the parties shall perform it strictly accordingly. Regarding the unsettled matters of the contract or anything contradicted with the rules of the country or the province in future, they shall be subject to the relevant rules.


The contract will come into force after signature or seal of the parties and be made in duplicate with each party holding one copy.

甲方(單位蓋章)                           乙方簽字:

Party A(seal of the unit)                Signature of Party B:


Signature of the legal representative


(or agent)

合同訂立日期:200 年 月 日

